11 OlleAdventure @OlleAdventures_52594 BambuLab A1-mini Purge/Poop basket - Solid - Mini with Logo and fill indicator 83 4.3 730
21 STORM DESIGN @Damian27 Bambu Lab A1 Series - Complete Purge System - Poop Bin - Trash Bin - Purge Deflector 82 5 523
21 Alvomane @Alvomane Prusa XL Front Nozzle Purge Wiper for Bambu Lab A1 (not mini!) Silicone Brush | Prusa XL Fronthalter für A1-Silikonbürsten 9 5 24
14 SerinFel @SerinFel_1020004 Double-Wide Remix of Mushbrandon's X1C Magnetically Detachable Purge Bin Utilizing 6x3mm Magnets 6 0 24