Very cool original design. My son wanted it to open and close fluidly so I needed to mod a bit.
I widened the handles to allow for more clearance between the knife and the frame (0.4mm per side).
Added a hole to put bolts in for weight (M4x5mm I think).
Reinforced the area where the knife blade contacts the handles as my original print was prone to breaking there. The little hole allows for a finishing nail or similar to take the load of the blade snapping open.
Geeetech A10M
Infill:25% Gyroid
Filament: Hello3D PLA Magic Coal, Grey and Silk Blue mixed 50-50% for the handles
Printed the handles on their sides to have good strength lines around the pins. A little bit of work to get the supports out, but made easier my 'not supporting bridges'.
Category: Toys & GamesThe author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.