If you want, you can help me with designing inserts by donating here:
for those that don't know my ‘insert philosophy’ - I am creating modular inserts that are focused on reducing setup and space on table, filament consumption is not my highest priority, but of course I'm trying to save some material where I can.
Important Notes:
- I made some components class specific (like storage tiles, workers, automation tokens etc.) - I needed to save space. In my opinion this doesn't affect the game - you can still put them somewhere where everyone can reach them or just player that has them is responsible for distributing them.
- vertical storage - preferably between other board games because it can open a little (like 5-10mm),
- Crisis & Control expansion,
- Historical Events expansion,
- sleeves - this is mainly design for 70 microns sleeves (I use Sloyca). Card holders are pretty tight, so you won't be able to squezze thicker sleeves.
This insert features:
- class cards holders - each with 2 compartments, one for action cards, second one for company cards (exception - state, this one also holds agendas),
- cards holders - most (if not all of them) you can take out and put on the board / near the board,
- class tokens holders - for all components related to the class (and small AI cards). I know that some of them like workers, storage tiles etc. are related to more than one class, but that class could be responsible for distributing them thanks to that insert,
- resources, coins holder - unfortunately I couldn't divide them into separate holders, so 1,3,5 resources are grouped in 3 compartments, coins are in one (exception - 50, 100 tokens),
- Loans, Markers, Influcence, 100, 50 Coins - for everything else.
- about 960g of filament (depends on your settings).
- at least 162mm x 87mm print bed.
Supports - no supports required.
What future holds:
- I may redesign some components to save filament and lower some of them (class tokens holders).
The author marked this model as their own original creation.