I found a CAD model at Squid (I think) and reworked it to produce a set of printable parts. The Schimmel company makes very good pianos; they put their mechanics into this futuristic one-piece case and sell (or sold) it in many colors.
(apologies for losing the link to the source creator)
Printer Brand:
0.12 for most parts; .06 for tiny parts
Slice at 200% or larger to make this printable. Turn on "print thin walls" if using Cura, or the equivalent with other slicers.
I had success putting a "pause" into the keyboard gcode to switch from white to black filament (for the black keys) but it's just as easy to paint them afterwards.
The hydraulic lid lifters mount next to the lid hinges in the real piano, but it may be easier to use something like a painted toothpick mounted in the usual position for grand pianos.
Note that the "keel" mounts at a slight angle off 90 degrees to the keyboard, following the centerline of the harp compartment. The footpedal's flanges which fit to the keel are angled for this reason.
I found it easiest to use one of the gel-type superglues for assembly. Epoxy will work well too.
There are small 'bumps' on each side of the keel which is where the keel struts attach.
The footpedal rods are oversize; cut them down to match your as-printed parts.
Category: Music
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.