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RGB Blaster Bumper

Bumper for the RGB Blaster to eliminate wobbling and protect the USB port.
updated January 2, 2023



The RGB Blaster for the Famicom has a wobbling problem. Previously I created the RGB Blaster Stabilizer so that you can slide it in and fix the issue.

This new design will attach permanently the to the RGB Blaster itself and provide the following functionality:

  • Prevent wobbling
  • Protect the faceplate
  • Protect the Micro-USB port
  • Providing gripping points for insertion/ejection
  • Help aiming the insertion of the actual cartridge from the top
  • Make it possible to use the ejection mechanism on the consoles without damaging the faceplates

This design is compatible with the OG Famicom, the Twin Famicom and the AV Famicom.



Print the four pieces with the biggest flat surface facing down. Support is required for one of the pieces.



Undo the 8 screws on the RGB Blaster and remove the faceplate.

Slide the bumper pieces into the copper screw posts.

Drop the faceplates back in.

Tighten the screw.


Alternative Solution

RGB Blaster Stabilizer is a design that you can quickly print and slide onto the RGB Blaster without assembly. It's a non-permanent solution but with pure simplicity in mind.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
