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Electric skateboard tyre

Tyre to encase a hard rubber skateboard wheel 52mm width x 70mm diameter.
72h 0m
4× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
400.00 g
Creality Ender 6
updated December 31, 2022



This tyre is designed to print with TPU. The purpose of it is to make your board ride smoother and in slippery surfaces like snow, soil or grass.

A fusion360 file is attached in case you want to make modifications to the design.


The grooves on the tyre V1 are inspired in cyberpunk style. But these can be a little loud.

V2 grooves are smaller and should run quieter.

V3 grooves are even better, more frequent and have shown better grip.


I recommend using the same infill % / infill pattern / wall count, as this part is key. Less infill % will result in higher friction as the tyre will bend inwards easier, reducing the acceleration from the skateboard. Infill % of 25% or more is recommended.


On my Ender 6 these were print settings that worked:

  • TPU from reprapper 
  • Infill: 25% or more
  • Infill pattern: Gyroid
  • Wall count: 5
  • 35 mm/s
  • bed: 60 C
  • Nozzle 220 C
  • retraction off
  • support material only on the base of the wheel, with blockers on other areas.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
