19 AMT @AMT_205548 Font swatches parametric | Luggage or baggage or filament tag customizable | Raised and depressed glyphs 27 4 75
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin A mount for three each of Adafruit seven segment and Alphanumeric displays 1 0 24
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin Sparkfun RedBoard Artemis with Sparkfun display 0 0 6
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin 8020 Mount for six Sparkfun alphanumeric displays 0 0 19
7 Stampmax @Stampmax_2434473 Alphanumeric characters for car plate (Lettere e numeri per targa ripetitrice carrelli e rimorchi) 2 0 10