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Toenail protective cover

Toenail edge cover for ingrown toenails
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
1.00 g
updated December 19, 2021



It is a small little tweak, but if you have a certain genetics it can make a difference, as it did for me. It is the smallest, simplest but most useful print I've ever made.  I have the tendency to have ingrown toenail and it was pretty bad in the last few years. I needed something to cover the edge of my toenail to avoid it to cut into the flesh and yes 3D printing can solve this problem apparently. 

The first day or so was tough because it pressed against the swallowed tissue, but after that it was a relief. Since then I accidentally kicked into solid objects with no harm, it worked for me flawlessly. I printed a bunch of it and while the wound was open I replaced them frequently, once or twice a day. Since a week later after the wound got closed I replace it once or twice a week, I just rinse them and reuse. My nail almost grown back so soon I will not need it all. I really hope it can help others too.

Of course use it to your own risk and responsibility, and for God sake visit the doctor, don't be a fool like me! :)

I recommend to print it out of food safe PETG, no color of course. Less chemical is better.  Or just use what you have.

I've created a configurable OpenScad project, so the thing can be configured to your needs, since all toenail is different. An stl is also included with the config I use.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
