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Frosthaven Summons: Sniper Turret

Here's my proxy model for the Frosthaven Summons, the Sniper Turret!
updated August 10, 2024



Here's my proxy model for the Frosthaven Summons, the Sniper Turret!  This artwork for this guy is at; as you can tell, I took some liberties with the model, really re-imagining it into something that I think will work better in 3D space made from plastic.  That's the advantage of doing this entirely on my own!

Of course, I tried to maintain at least the core shape of the original artwork (hence the three stacked segments) so that it would be recognizable on the table.  Between that and all of the other mechanical bits that I put on there, it needs a ton of support to print successfully, but it's all “perimeter support” so at least it was nice and easy to remove!

As always, the .blend file and pre-supported .3mf (including the one that I used to print this on my Prusa MK3, although the support points should work for SLA printers) for this model are available to my patrons at If you appreciate my work and have a few dollars to spare each month, please consider joining!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
