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4 Player Chess Board + Nude Chess Set

A 4-Players Chess Board plus my bonus nude chess pieces
17h 10m
2× print file
0.30 mm
0.60 mm
614.00 g
26 k
updated July 21, 2021





Printing & assembly instructions: The board

The board can be printed with an FDM printer. If you have a large printer, I recommended that you scale up the parts to get the largest possible board for a nicer playing experience.

On an MK3 - scale the model to 120%

Print two copies of each file and snap all four together.

No support needed.

At least 10% rectilinear or gyroid infill.


I've added several board options with different designs. The “Customizable” board has 4 holes in it where you can fit your own attachments (decorations, etc.). 

The dimensions of the holes: 34.5mm, 31mm diameters and 10mm depth. 


Printing instructions: Chess Pieces

I've designed this for SLA printing, but FDM can work with some care. If you're printing on an FDM, print one piece at a time, at low speeds and with a small nozzle diameter.

I've also added another version with supports already included.

Again, if you have a large printer, I recommended that you scale up the pieces for a nicer playing experience.



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
