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Die for the Royal Game of Ur - historically accurate 0/1 throws

Die for the Royal Game of Ur for historically accurate 0/1 throws. Four dice required for playing the game.
updated January 12, 2024



The Royal Game of Ur - 6-sided Die for 0/1 Throws

This is an alternative,  historically more accurate 6-sided die for the Royal Game of Ur.

It provides either a 0 or a 1 result, with both occurring with equal probability.

The historical game had tetraeder-shaped dice, but these are not as convenient to handle and don't fit well into Vice's beautiful gameboard.


These dice are intended to replace the dice included in Vice's design and fit into the storage recess in the gameboard.

It's an easy-print version that requires no assembly, no multi-material printer and no supports.

OpenSCAD source included.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

  • Purely an add-on.
  • Dice give historically accurate 0/1 results, which greatly improves game balance
  • Four dice required for play, with 2 fitting in each recess of the gameboard


Highlighted models from creator

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