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Blokus Travel 2 Player Border

Pieces to create a border for 2 player travel blokus
updated December 29, 2023



We love the travel blokus, but we wanted to have 2-player blokus.  I found some references to a 2-player blokus being a 14x14 grid, and chuckbobuck on thingiverse created a printable border to create this grid on full-size blokus.  I took those pieces, and re-scaled them down to fit this version.  Here is a link to chuckbobucks orginal design I modified:

When playing it, my wife and I found 14x14 wasn't quite big enough for us, we prefer 16x16.  So, I modeled up a corner piece from scratch, using the design theme of the rest of the border, that will extend the border out to a 16x16 (using 2 corner pieces) or a 18x18 grid (using all 4 corner pieces).

You will want to print 4 of each piece.  The only one that needs a support is the corner, for the floating overhang.  Use a support enforcer to not get supports in all the sections.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Created a border so you can play 2-player blokus with this travel set.
