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Nozzle box remixed cover

Remixed to prevent nozzles falling out and being acidentally mixed up
updated May 10, 2021



I found a problem with the original lid, in that it would not fit with some of my nozzles. There is a comment against the original design that the lid needed to be extended by 3mm to fit. I checked by measuring against my longest nozzle and 3mm was approx correct… but the problem with extending to accomodate taller nozzles is that the shorter nozzles can now fall out and get mixed up (and if you have unlabelled nozzles this is not a fun thing to do!).

This remix of the cover adds a solution to keep each nozzle in its space even if the case is inverted or shaken. Also adds a ridge on each side to help keep the lid on from friction -  although I recommend a rubber band too.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
