My wife snagged the navigation joystick knob on our 2012 CRV EX-L with navigation and it disappeared. The original replacement part is Honda 39544-T0A-A51. They are actually pretty cheap and readily available… But like all things in life, why do it the easy way when you can do it yourself AND add some style?! I think that I made this design the second time I needed to replace the joystick knob.
It is printed in two parts in ABS, then glued together with acetone.
As shown the tip of the stick (top) is printed with a color change to silver at 1.1-mm. Layer height is 0.1mm and fill percentage does not really matter as it is all bottom, top, and perimeter layers and ends up being basically 100% fill no matter how you slice it. Material is Hatchbox black ABS and Hatchbox silver ABS. A brim is an option if you have first layer adhesion options.
The bottom is more flexible in layer height. Similar to the top, the bottom fill percentage does not matter. As shown is 0.1-mm layer height in Hatchbox black ABS.
The hole for the joystick is 2-mm, if it prints a bit undersized, then drill it out with a 2-mm or a #47 drill bit
The author marked this model as their own original creation.