tf2 quick-fix medigun

couldnt find a file for this so i just ripped the model and chopped it up, enjoy :)
updated April 16, 2023




-2 feet of 1.5" pvc


-super glue

-whatever you want to use for the hose to the medipack (will be released later)

-soldering iron

-electrical tape (optional)

Step 1:handle 2, medi base, and handle

handle 2 is printed in 2 separate parts, DO NOT assemble the pieces immediately, instead put the two parts of 2a into the peg holes of the medi base, THEN fully glue handle 2 together, otherwise there will be no way to put handle 2 into the base. After finishing up medi base and handle 2 glue handle 1 into the hole at the bottom of medi base


Step 2: medi mount and medi dials

first you will attach medi mount to medi base (probably just super glue and a soldering iron to hide the seam) repeat this step for medi dials. then stick the pvc through the hole until its end is up to the lip of medi mount, DO NOT GLUE IN UNTIL FULLY ASSEMBLED


step 3: medi blender and handle 3

glue handle 3 to the open spot on medi blender, then wrap electrical tape around handle 3 (optional effect). once attached slide down the pvc pipe and glue medi blender to medi dials


step 4: medi shaft and medi nozzle 

slide both pieces onto the pvc one at a time, glue pieces together as you slide them on, then push the pvc into the gun until it is toughing the end of medi nozzle


step 5: finishing touches

feed wire throught the holes found in handle and medi base to finish the aesthetic and paint the gun how you want, i would like to recommend to paint each piece individually before putting together to paint hard to reach areas


And thats all! feel free to ask any questions :D

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
