This model is almost entirely 3d printed, only using 3 springs from regular pens for the buttons!
How to Print:
Everything can be printed without supports. However, to ensure a good quality, I recommend printing the cube with tree supports and the ball with regular supports. Everything else should be printed without supports.
Everything is snap fit and should take a few lbs of force to press in, especially the buttons, which will take even more force because of the springs. I found that using a small hammer to tap the buttons in makes it easier
For the buttons, take apart 3 pens for their springs (you can buy them for cheap if you don't already have a dozen lying around.
The ball may also require a bit of sanding on the bottom in order make make sure it rolls smoothly
Other notes:
I have had success with printing this at 90% scale and you can probably get it down to 80%, where the limiting factor after that is the size of the spring hole.
This is my first working version of the cube and I plan on making many more improvements including making it much smaller so stay tuned! Also please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements or ideas for different fidgets to include. I am always open to new ideas and suggestions!
Please check out my other models and as always,
Thank you and have fun printing!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.