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DS3D4U Folding Desk Notepad Holder

Holds a notebook elevated above your mouse for you. Also holds a pen.
50h 35m
3× print file
0.25 mm
0.40 mm
434.00 g
updated December 6, 2022



Designed to hold a notepad/book above the mouse while not impeding the use of either.

The sides fold inward and are retained by a latch to facilitate portability, there is a ridge along the bottom to retain your notebook and a pen. The sides are angled outward to make collapsing less likely. the notepad is held at a slight angle to make writing easier. The hinges have a built-in stop to prevent them from opening to wide.

Useful for small desks.

Printed with a 0.4mm nozzle @0.25mm layer height with 3 perimeters @ 30% cubic infill,

All top surfaces are ironed in the .gcode a brim should probably be used to mitigate the chances of warping if your printbed is large enough, you could also try increasing the bed temperature slightly.

Needs the following non printed parts:

  • 504mm of 6mm diameter steel rod cut into 252mm lengths (used for hinges)
  • 1440mm of 3mm steel rod cut into 240mm length pieces (for pinning the to halves together you should use no less than 2, more is ideal).
  • Steel should be used due to stiffness do not use flexible materials for any of the rods.
  • .STEP included to show how it fits together.


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