Because I didn't find a helper to measure the mismatch of the second toolheads offset direct, I made my own.
It doesn't look spectacular but helped me to exactly adjust the offset settings in my slicer program after only one print test.
FIashForge Dreamer
0.20 mm
Doesn't matter
Place both models at the center of the print plate. The marked pair of lines must be placed exactly in opposition to each other. See the picture above.
Select the model "..primary.stl" for the primary toolhead, the model "..secondary.stl" has to be printed with the secondary toolhead (the toolhead with the offset).
Adjust the first layer settings to get small lines. Decrease the extrusion factor and the layer height and width.
After print search the pair of lines standing direct opposite to each other. Every pair of lines has an additional offset of 50µm to the previous pair. The marked pair of lines has an offset of 0.
If, for example, the third pair right from the marked pair has the best fit, the toolhead offset settings in the slicer must be incremented by 150µm. On the other hand the fourth pair left from the marked one would mean that the offset value has to be decreased by 200µm.
These values are valid for the FIashForge Dreamer with an inverted x-axis and the right toolhead as primary one. The left toolhead is the secondary with a positive offset. If your printer has other preconditions the sign of the correcture value may be need to be inverted.
The first photo above shows, that I had to increase the toolhead offset settings in my slicer by 100µm because the second pair on the right side has the best fit. The second photo was taken after a print with the corrected offset. Now the marked lines and so the toolheads fits perfect.
Ignore the black dots beside the yellow lines. The ooze shield does not work for the first layer.
If this was helpful left a comment, please.
designed with FreeCAD
Category: 3D Printing Tests
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.