3D geometric models in Geogebra

ZŠ a MŠ Nýřany
Students will model a 3D geometric shape in the mathematical application Geogebra. The resulting model then serves as an illustrative didactic tool in mathematics lessons.
10–14 yrs
Verified by Prusa Team
Suitable printers: Prusa MINI / MINI+Prusa MK3/S/S+
updated August 24, 2022


Students will model a 3D geometric shape in the mathematical application Geogebra. The resulting model then serves as an illustrative didactic tool in mathematics lessons.

The focus of the target group

The project is intended primarily for students of middle schools. The project can be used repeatedly (depending on the curriculum)

● 6th grade - cuboid, cube

● 7th class - prisms in general

● 8th grade - cylinder, sphere

● 9th grade - pyramid, cone

Necessary knowledge and skills

The teacher should be able to know the basics of the Geogebra software. To make the work easier, it would be advisable for students to try a simple planimetric construction with basic tools in the Geogebra environment in advance, but this is not a necessary.

Project objectives

The project complements the teaching of mathematics and also develops digital competences in mathematics lessons. Students get to know the Geogebra software and consolidate concepts from stereometrics during modeling, and modeling helps them improve their spatial imagination. They will also become more familiar with 3D printing and the preparation of models for printing.

Required equipment

computer with an internet connection, 3D printer

Project time schedule

1 lesson – introduction of Geodebra software to the students (optional) 

1 lesson –modeling of the geometric shapes and export to STL format

1 lesson – introduction of PrusaSlicer software and preparation of the models for 3D printing

printing time of one model is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes depending on it’s height (layer 0,3 mm, infill 20%, model height approx. 6 cm)


Lesson 1 (optional) – Introduction to Geodebra software

  • opening the Geogebra Classic - https://www.geogebra.org/
  • introduction to the tools Pointer, Line, Polygon, Circle in the Geometry environment
  • a brief introduction to the object format (line width, padding)
  • introduction to the 3D graphics environment

Lesson 2 – 3D modeling 

  • creation of the prism model according to the attached guide, including saving the .stl file
  • the teacher shares working procedures with the students in electronic form
  • students then work independently on their own models (prisms with different bases, pyramids with different bases, cylinders with different bases) according to procedures

objective variables:

  • students choose the model to work on by themselves
  • the teacher assigns the names of the models (e.g. regular triangular pyramid…)
  • teacher assigns the models in form of sketches
  • teaches assigns the meshes

Lesson 3 – introduction to PrusaSlicer software

  • familiarization with the preparation of the model for printing
    • placing the model on the mat
    • resizing
    • trimming the bottom part
    • custom slicing and its control
    • G-code export


ZŠ a MŠ Nýřany, Školní 901, Nýřany; Jitka Rambousková

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
