13 James C. Foley @JamesCFoley_401007 Chop Toped Xol FIlament Cutter and internal filiament sensor. 22 0 84
8 Tall Boy @TallBoy_436908 Tentacool part cooling incl. Beacon mount for Goliath Long WC on vzBotxHevORT alu printhead 19 0 92
M 7 Mortuslupus @Mortuslupus_335108 VZ-Hextrudort For Stealthburner (door and tension screw fix) 16 0 62
16 TestoMane @TestoMane_1519175 Xol Toolhead | EBB36 Umbilical Mount - VZ-Hextrudort-Low [M12 Cable Gland] 12 0 71
7 Svennixx @Svennixx_1432742 VZ Hextrudort LOW CNC EBB36 mount & VZ Toolhead PG7 Gland cable holder 19 0 94
11 Nanodesigner @Nanodesigner_398786 Contributo per EVA supporto Dragon e Zodiac per Vzbot ed estrusore Hextrudort 10 0 39
9 Mammoth-3D @Mammoth3D_2076590 mammoth-3D AWD Gantry V1.7.3 / X1 and Y1 Motor Mount for Voron 2.4 5 0 19
9 Mammoth-3D @Mammoth3D_2076590 mammoth-3D AWD Gantry V1.7.3 / Cable Management / Motors Top Mounted 9 0 10