11 Aleksander Spyra @AleksanderSpyr_86950 Sparkfun Decade Resistance Box Printable Enclosure and Knobs 8 5 38
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin A 8020 series 10 mount for Sparkfun Qwiic modules using m3 screws 2 5 25
19 herr_brain @herr_brain [v2.2] QtQwiicCliq - DIN mount for Stemma Qt/Qwiic/Thing Plus/Feather/Raspberry Pi Zero 34 0 70
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin Din Rail Mount for Sparkfun Modules using M3 screws 4 0 37
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin Sparkfun RedBoard Artemis with Sparkfun display 0 0 8
4 RicardoFebra @RicardoFebra_1367277 Machine Vibration Monitoring Kit 1 - Teensy 4.1 & LSM6DSO 2 0 14