11 V_Cord @V_Cord Pinzas Verticales para Protoboard de Soldar / Vertical Protoboard Soldering Clamps 1 5 19
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin A bumper for the Raspberry Pi 4 with a proto board 1 0 64
N 18 NotLikeALeafOnTheWind @NotLikeALeafOnTheWin 8020 Series 10 mount for Raspberry Pi A+ W/proto board 3 0 17
15 Auri3D @Auri3D_1248865 Carcasa Carro para Placa Protoboard ( Car Case for Protoboard Plate ) 2 0 30
8 latriple C @latripleC_1387953 Arduboard user interface module / Modulo de Interface de Usuario 2 0 17