C 10 Christian Vick @Christian_V_1025433 Klipper Printer Additions 3.0b9.1 - More Than Boring Start-G-Code 559 4.9 4,921
12 the freewheeler @thefreewheeler Raspberry Pi Z-Box | Integrated 3B/3B+ Case for Prusa MINI 236 4.9 1,038
12 the freewheeler @thefreewheeler E3D V6 Hotend Fan Duct | Prusa MINI X-Carriage Replacement 162 4.8 877
25 Waikikiprod @Waikikiprod 5015 Radial Fan - 3D model for conception - .step & .stl files 173 5 4,280
10 MARC PRUDHOMME @MARCPRUDHOMM_1986375 Qidi Cutter V2.0, for X-Max 3/X-Plus 3, uses 9mm Snap-off blades 201 4.4 1,254
12 the freewheeler @thefreewheeler Prusa Mini | Anti-Vibration Feet Shims + Dampener Remix 68 4.3 350