18 Ioannis Giannakas @IoannisGiannakas Adjustable gantry mounted nozzle seal, parking and silicone nozzle brush / cleaner for Voron (2.4/Trident) 158 5 395
22 Alvomane @Alvomane Debris bucket for Prusa XL nozzle brush. | Auffangbehälter für Prusa XL Düsenbürste. 77 4.7 428
22 Alvomane @Alvomane Prusa XL nozzle brush scrubber with twist lock | Prusa XL-Düsenbürste mit Twist Lock 87 4.8 344
18 Ioannis Giannakas @IoannisGiannakas Voron 2.4 nozzle brush using Bambu Lab's A1 silicone brush 133 5 510
B 9 Bc3d @Bc3d_2054104 Creality K1/K1C Silicone Nozzle Cleaner Mod using A1/A1 mini silicone brushes 61 5 246
14 addohm @addohm_141025 Bambu Lab X1C P1P Nozzle Wiper with 2mm or 3mm Silicone sheet Straight or Curved 48 4.3 205
14 Tony GRILO @TonyGRILO Caulking Gun Nozzle Unblocker - totally without support / Nettoyeur canule cartouche silicone 125 5 419