28 MediaMan3D @MediaMan3D Hero Me Gen 7 part cooling for stock Neptune 3 Pro/Plus/Max Dual 5015 Cooling Shroud 441 4.7 2,099
22 The Kit Card Guy @TheKitCardGuy Boost your multicolor prints! Central filament sensor mount with filament clips for single / double spool configuration for Elegoo Neptune 3 / 4 Pro Plus Max 282 5 1,659
20 bazzzzzzz @bazzzzzzz_230758 Neptune 4 series bed alignment guide with bed cable chain (fits neptune 4, 4 pro and plus ) 333 4.8 2,199
21 FreshPrints @FreshPrintsBelair805 Bambu Lab Anti-Vibration Feet for All 3D Printers FDM 2020 4040 frame, Anycubic Prusa Sovol Elegoo Voron Creality 298 4.8 969
18 Engineer4Fun @Casef_694754 Elegoo Neptune 3/4 Pro/Plus/Max Ball Bearing Spool Holder (M6 bolt remix) 126 5 591
8 HalfManBear @HalfManBear_918635 Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro/Plus/Max Front Top Reel / Spool Mount 99 5 555
14 SilencedFrost @SilencedFros_2044064 SF 3x5015 Neptune 4 fan mod shroud - Optimized, enhanced with beacon/cartographer support 112 4.9 390