U 8 uepsie @uepsie_57162 Grease / lube injector with cap for LM8UU / LM8 / LBBR (8mm) and LM10UU / LM10 (10mm) linear bearings 65 4.8 479
15 trashcandrummer @trashcandrummer TrashiStation (Parametrized Lube Station for Cherry MX/Kailh switches) 34 5 284
20 Mikyner @Mikyner LM8UU / LM10UU Linear bearings lubricator aplicator for luer lock syringe 30 5 163
22 JBoe @JBoe Lubricant LM10UU and LM10LUU adaptor for Super Synco Lube DE21030 with screw cap 21 5 155
M 10 mlabastide @mlabastide_499953 Bambu Labs Lube & Grease Packet Holder for Honeycomb Storage Wall 9 5 76