14 CherryPickerSorcerer @CherryPickerSorcerer Car Wash Grit Guard for 5 gallon bucket from home improvement store 156 5 830
12 Harold Sullivan @HaroldSulliva_544089 Milwaukee M18 Battery To Harbor Freight Bauer 20V Tools Adapter 55 4.5 273
11 Boosted @Boosted_285384 Harbor Freight Case Ikea Trofast Storage Parts Case Rail Adapters 68 5 188
10 TheWylieStCoyote @TheWylieStCoyo_13791 Milwaukee M12 M18 Charger Hanger for Harbor Freight Tool Cart 48 5 235
6 fergusnoble @fergusnoble_628922 Gridfinity baseplate for US General 26" tool chest small drawers 38 4 121
23 andrepadua @andrepadua Ultimate Gridfinity Drawer for Harbor Freight US General Series 2 Tool Boxes 71 5 204
10 William Kercher @WilliamKerche_395240 Gridfinity Harbor Freight Pittsburgh SAE and Metric 32 pc Combination Wrench Set Holder 53 5 209