16 BobdeBouwer @BobdeBouwer_481949 Fysetc Stealthburner LED carrier for Neopixel rainbow barf LED 85 5 825
8 WhatAMess13 @WhatAMess13_573337 Fysetc Portable Input Shaper for Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro/Plus/Max mount 42 4.3 216
18 fryc88 @fryc88 Sovol SV06 SV06 Plus accelerometer mount ADXL345 PIS portable input shaper on RPI2040 54 5 390
8 Trashy @Trashy_220160 FYSETC Portable Input shaper Mount for Voron V0.2 with Umbilical mod 14 5 153
C 9 Cwesystems @Cwesystems_63004 Trident Inverted Electronics DIN-mount, Nuctua A6 and cable duct 21 5 75
11 TheParanoidEngineer @TheParanoidEn_917266 FYSETC USB ADXL345 Mount (Ender 3 and Similar Printers) 18 4 148