10 Felix Wiseman @FelixWiseman_190370 1×5.25" Optical Disk Drive Bay to 4×2.5" up to 15mm thick 89 5 664
7 Print2Win @Print2Win_196404 MicroSwiss Ender 5 DirectDrive+AllMetalHotend Assembly (Step and Fusion360) 38 5 603
4 plasticbender @plasticbender_210178 DeckBro v1-Fixing Steam Deck Storage with Standard HDDs and SSDs 13 5 79
T 6 Tas @Tas_198351 Anycubic Mega S MK4 X-Carriage Mount for sherpa mini direct drive extruder 19 5 339
12 odonnell944 @odonnell944_272666 Satsana for Ender 3 with MSDD - BLTouch / CR-Touch Steel Bracket 10 4.5 135