11 Matt The Printing Nerd @MattThePrintingNerd THE 100 v1.1 - The fastest 3D printer based on a printed Frame 1,863 4.9 4,977
19 Bryce @Bryce Ultimate DIY Replacement Knob Pack (for Samsung, Smeg, Toyota & More!) 4,083 4.9 3,678
26 Ondřej Stříteský @OndrejStritesky Prusa Printer Enclosure v2 – with MMU2S support - 0.125 inches acrylic version 393 4.7 4,260
11 Matt The Printing Nerd @MattThePrintingNerd THE 100 v1.0 - The fastest 3D printer based on a printed Frame 860 5 1,772
20 DIY Machines @DIYMachines Easy 3D Printable CNC Drawing Machine - Draw on Cakes, Phones, Paper, Shirts | Arduino GRBL Plotter 418 4.9 5,363