15 caesar_1111 @caesar_1111_261164 Earsaver - minimalistic - special for FFP2 / KN95 masks with short earloops - extended length - don't fall off attachment of the mask 4 4.7 36
8 HAL_9000 @HAL_9000_12022 Cord Locks for using Paracord with the Montana Mask for Covid-19 (This Really keeps it solid on your face!) Coronavirus 10 0 32
G 11 GallaghersArt @GallaghersArt Powered, Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Face and Head Cover 1 0 14
14 Smoluch @Smoluch Hypermax / Copozz fullface snorkeling mask 2x DAR filter adapter COVID no support 5 0 8