7 Pepinillo2014 @Pepinillo2014_264722 Pokeball with hinge (V1.4), functional button and insert for GBA, DS and 3DS cartridges 338 5 561
I 4 Interlockprinting @Interlockprin_255033 Switch Cartridge Case - Breath of the Wild Sheikah Chest 108 5 435
16 Alexander Hyperbeam @AlexanderHyp_2232641 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Treasure Chest Switch Cartridge holder 155 5 278
15 Maksim Goloburda @Maksim_Halaburda Organic rack for discs (1 to 12 slots) CD, Nintendo switch, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox ONE 42 5 39