17 Freddy @Freddy Dock for AirPods Pro (all Generations) and Apple Watch (all Models, also Ultra) all series Apple Watch Stand AirPods Pro 1/2 Stand 305 4.6 1,858
10 Hairing @Hairing_96643 Apple 3 in 1 Charging Dock with Ikea Livboj QI (AirPods pro and normal) 22 4.5 252
10 Hairing @Hairing_96643 Apple 3 in 1 Charging Dock with Ikea Livboj QI (AirPods pro and normal) 22 4.3 135
17 Freddy @Freddy Dock for AirPods 1 & 2 and Apple Watch 40 and 44mm (all series) Apple Watch Stand AirPods Stand 15 5 174
T 9 Tim Antoniadis @TimAntoniadis_306838 Ultimate Apple Dock/ Nightstand - iPhone | Apple Watch | AirPods Pro 40 5 219
C 10 ColorPopCompany @ColorPop_454930 Best Horizontal iPhone and iWatch Magsafe stand 2 in 1 - easy to print and assemble 30 3.5 287