17 HugoWhite @HugoWhite Dual-Filter Solder Fume Extractor: H12 HEPA & Carbon Filter | AC/DC/PD | No Supports 906 5 1,016
12 Chrisfu @Chrisfu Quick connect exhaust hose mounting set for portable ACs and dryers 150 mm / 6" and 100 mm / 4" === no supports === 600 5 955
15 Ize @Ize_494558 150mm Klimaanlagen Adapter für Fenster / 150mm Air Condition Adapter for Windows 54 4.5 350
15 JC Custom Designs @JCCustomDesigns Whynter ARC-14S Portable Air Conditioner Exhaust Components 23 5 113
27 Twisty 3D Prints @Twisty3DPrints Drain Pipe 45° Elbow Extension (for 1.1" diameter drain pipe) 3 5 21