Dupixent Syringe Holder for Crēdo ProMed Cold-Chain Cooler

Holder for square-body Dupixent syringes in a Pelican BioThermal Crēdo ProMed portable cooler
updated September 22, 2024



This model holds a rectangular body Dupixent syringe inside of a Pelican BioThermal Crēdo ProMed Series-4, 2L-sized cold-chain carrier. 

While this is a fairly edge-case “3d printing at home” use, we have family that needs Dupixent shots and travels quite a bit necessitating a cold-chain cooler that keeps the medication at the required 4 °C +/- 2°C  for up to 48 hours. 

While the manufacturer recommends keeping the self-retracting syringe in the commercial shipping package until needed for use, the paperboard box is too big to fit inside the 2 liter sized ProMed cooler body.  Similarly, a standard sharps container does not fit inside the cooler so this holder doubles as a retaining bracket to hold the shot in the used, locked back, position until it can be disposed of properly. 

The body of this design is shaped to fit the 2 degree draft angle of the inner ice container and uses a 39.4mm (nominal 40 mm, Harbor Freight 222/G40) o-ring to retain the syringe with the help of an M4 heat-set insert and an M4x15mm hex screw. 

We pre-condition this holder inside the fridge where the meds are being stored for that least an hour before use to make sure the printed part doesn't warm up the syringe once inside the cooler.  The Credo ProMed cooler comes with its own freeze/temper instructions on how to get the PCM liner set to 4°C and is the real magic tool for making sure the Dupixent stays at temperature. 

It's still up to you to understand and follow written manufacturer requirements for storage and handling of your medication.  This is not a replacement for those instructions. 

Fusion360 model is provided for anyone else that might have a slightly different sized syringe or wants to remix this design to fit a different cooling container. 

Model printed on a Prusa Mk4 printer in white PETG prusament with a 0.4mm Diamondback nozzle, 0.20mm layer height, 15 percent gyroid infill, 3 perimeters. 

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
