Parametric Cutter/Plier/Scissors Holder for Multiboard/HSW

Customizable cutter/plier/scissors/more holder with support for multiple wall organization systems.
updated October 7, 2024



A parametric re-imaging of Horacio's excellent HSW Cutter Holder which allows you to fully customize the inner dimensions (height/width/depth) of the holder, choose the variant style and the number of slots, and pick the connector used to attach it to your wall storage system. The customizability is quite powerful, allowing you to use these holder for other items like scissors or guitar capos.

I've provided a number of variants to get started which follow the width and depth of the original and have various Multiboard and HSW connectors. The heart of this project however is customizing your own, see the instructions below.

No-connector STEP files are also provided if you wish to BYO connector, though these can equally be generated.



Print in the provided orientation, no supports needed.


Configuring your own holder

  1. Visit the Onshape document here. You should see the 3D part in the center and some panels surrounding it.
  2. Locate the “Configurations” area in the top right.
    • You may have to expand the panel to see all the configuration options.
  3. Adjust the configuration options/variables as needed, see the section below for details.
    • Regular Onshape controls can be used to manipulate the model, or navigation buttons in the bottom toolbar can be used.
  4. Export the model with the export (download) button in the bottom toolbar.


Notes on Configuration Options

Aside from the connector and the height, the default values when you first open the document are all set to match the original.

Style: As in the original, style A stores items parallel to the wall, style B perpendicular.

Connector: The connection type for your wall storage system of choice.

Inner Width: This is the value at the narrowest, i.e. measured at the bottom of the holder.

Wall Width / Outer Chamfer: Due to the complexity of the model, these values have limited range before they cause issues. Make sure to double check the model when drastically changing these.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Re-implements Horacio's original to have parametric dimensions, and adds multiple connection types from Multiboard and HSW.
