XT60 Cap (Dimensionally Accurate)

Based on @Consti1606 work, but modified to be dimensionally accurate to create a much better fit.
updated August 30, 2024



Based on @Consti1606 work. Many have complained about having to scale up for his model, which is due to a very tight fit due to poor dimensional accuracy and lack of tolerances in some areas. The original model left permanant damage to my XT60 connector.


Therefore, I remixed his model to be dimensionally accurate to fit genuine “amass” xt60 conenctors. With my version, there is a very slight friction that shouldn't damage your connectors.


Note that I printed mine in ABS and it has tiny bit of shrinkage, so you might have to scale x-axis and y-axis down to around 99.8%-99.9% if you prefer a tighter fit.



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Unlike the original model, this is dimensionally accurate. Therefore it fits genuine “amass” XT60 connectors perfectly with a slight friction, and without risk damaging it.

