Assembly instructions
My Gingerbread House Holiday Card Kit was designed in Fusion 360. Check out the video above to see how to assemble it and I'll be posting a few design tutorials on how I designed it.
Here's the link to the video: on my youtube channel.
This model is meant to be printed with with two color changes.
The base is 2mm.
First color change is at 2.2mm.
Second color change is at 2.6mm.
Print at 0.2mm layer height.
Make sure to use a pair of snips or flush cutters to remove tabs completely, resulting in a smooth surface with no bumps. Any remaining tabs will interfere with construction and not allow the walls to align perfectly.
There are two versions.
One says Merry Christmas and the other says Happy Holidays
I've included both the stl files and the 3mf files.
The 3mf files are already sliced with material change layers already assigned.
The total dimension of the printed card is 127mm x 157mm or 5" x 6.1"
Enjoy! And if you print one make sure to post your makes!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.