Consider remove the brush when you run the built-in self testing or bed mesh calibration. The z-offset result may be affected If your brush is too “tall” and block the extruder during the process.
Version supporting calibration is also available.
This is a remix model, taking the base from Ender 3 V3 KE Nozzle-Cleaning Brush Mount [UPDATED V2] and the mount from Ender 3 V3 KE and SE automatic nozzle cleaning brush.
The thumbscrew design was inspired by funbart's creation. You can view their original design here.
With side storage and handle at the front, I am not able to use both of the designer on my printer, so i remix them to suit my need.
The position of the brush is the same (or close to) the position of Ender 3 V3 KE and SE automatic nozzle cleaning brush.
A M4 nut is needed for the thumbscrew.
Please refer to the original post.
As I want to keep the bed mesh calibration in my start gcode, so I lowered the mount (v3), and modify the gcode accrodingly.
I am not really familiar with gcode, so I may have kept some unnecessary step here, but here for anyone who want need it for reference.
SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT ACCEL_TO_DECEL=2500 ;revert accel_to_decel back to 2500
M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate
M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ;Set bed temp
G28 X Y ;Home XY axes
M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ;Wait for bed temp to stabilize
G28 Z ;Home Z axis & load bed mesh
M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ;Set nozzle temp
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
G1 X1 Y-18 Z3 F5000.0 ;Line up with brush
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ;Wait for nozzle temp to stabilize
G1 X75 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 1
G1 X30 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 2
G1 X75 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 3
G1 X30 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 4
G1 X75 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 5
G1 X30 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 6
G1 X75 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 7
G1 X30 Y-18 Z-0.5 F5000.0 ;Wipe 8
G1 X40 Y-18 Z15 F5000.0 ;Raise to clear brush
G1 X-2.0 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ;Move to start position
G1 Z0.2 ;Lower nozzle to printing height
G1 Y145.0 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line
G1 X-1.7 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little
G1 Y30 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the second line
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
The author remixed this model.
Remixed the base and the brush mount.