The author remixed this model.
At request, I've made these with the magnet central.
The GW bases I use are injection molded, which is why the original are off center.
(see original for the actual printed models)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This shim houses a magnet, ready for a base.
The base sits in the shim, add a magnet, which snaps into place and then a dab of glue.
Polarity of the magnet is always correct.
The idea of the magnets is to then store mini's in a box, which a magnetic sheet. The mini's stay in place during storage and transport.
The design uses a 5x2mm magnet. The magnets I have snap into place well but I still added glue, as I don't want then to potentially work lose and get lost.
Can be stacked for storage. Just the 25mm doesn't sit with the 32mm fully.
Magnet link for what I used. I'm not the seller, nor associated, nor affiliate link, just for reference.
For base size(mm);
Each model has the number on the base (see images)