Garden Stake or wooden dowel around 12mm or .43 inches diameter
Zip tie (optional for pole mount)
Assembly Instructions
Press fit 608 bearing into center of each hub
Insert retaining_ring into each hub.
Slide hubs onto support shafts of mount_pole.
Make sure the side of the hub with the smaller hole is facing out.
Place bearing_spacer onto each support shaft.
Starting from the flat side of each shaft, slide a cap down until it is even with the hub.
insert all wings into the hubs. The flat side of the wings should be facing outward.
Note: To prevent the wings from flying off in severe winds, I recommend using some super glue when inserting the wings.
If mounting to wall:
Screw wall mount to wall using 2 wood screws.
Slide the bottom of the spinner assembly over the wall mount.
If mounting to pole:
Insert a zip tie into the hole at the bottom of the spinner assembly.
Slide assembly onto a garden stake (or dowel) and tighten zip tie.
Special thanks to richardglick over on TinkerCad. Their “curve shape” was used in creating this model.