Meet the MFS (Manual Filament System) – an overhaul that enhances the versatility and security of your 3D printing setup. This remix replaces the traditional two-bearings approach with rollers connecting the bearings. This allows smaller spools to fit securely, eliminating the risk of them falling off the printer.
Versatile Rollers:
Accommodate all spools, up to 75mm in width without needing adjustment.
Filament Sensor Attachment:
Easily clips to the center of the spool
!Cable needs to be lenghtened so that the outer most spools can be reached!
(the middle three work unlenghtend)
The Holes are Teardrop shaped to ensure they are circulare when printing them sideways, always make shure those are facing upwards.
Print the Filament Roller parts facing the hexcutouts to the bottom, these can be printed without supports.
Make shure the rollers are printed standing and the seam (the white line) is in one of the 4 divits.
Main assembly:
The Main assembly is now finshed and should be nice and sturdy (depending on the tollerance between your rods and the side pieces)
Filament Roller Assembly:
Filament Sensor assembly:
Optional: Lenghten the filament sensor cable so that it can be clipped onto all 5 spots
Embrace the enhanced functionality and security of the MFS for your 3D printing projects ;)
The author remixed this model.
slight Overhaul, more versatile