@Druwu_763453 @CenturyMan79_2305668 Updated files are up.
@Druwu_763453 @CenturyMan79_2305668 Updated files are up.
@CenturyMan79_2305668 the plate that holds the safety assembly on the shell holds the levers in place. It presses on them that's why I had to thin them like that. Can you tell me how thick they printed?
@Deadmansfoam_1839513 looks like 3.5mm when they are both together. Your first trigger prints at 4.2 mm thick which fits snug with the screw that holds it in. I am going to play with an idea of keeping the stock trigger arm (with some slight modification) and pusher switch and move the rev switch to the position where you were putting the pusher switch. I will let you know if I have success with that.
Great mod. I ended up having to sand down the bottom of the switch lever piece because the dart pusher was getting caught on the bottom of it when the trigger was released, causing the gearbox to click (yikes). I unfortunately forgot to take pics of the modifications done but I may open it back up later and get some. The wires in my venom were not quite long enough to go around the switch plate so I ended up cutting a corner off so that I could get the clearance and they weren't pinched but it seems like that is a variance in the venom not a problem with the mod. There's nothing said in the instructions about modding the light grey piece that goes over the safety but it its included in the pics. I made this off of files from 7/30/24 so they may be updated and need no more modification.
9/10 mod, not quite drop in but it sounds like its has or is about to be updated
@Deadmansfoam_1839513 nice. great work :)
Does this mod work with the included battery the venom comes with or will a lipo be needed?
@Deadmansfoam_1839513 Also you can avoid doing anything with the safety switch. I just took the safety layer off the trigger and it worked with no modification to the safety switch.
@CenturyMan79_2305668 it was intermently cause the trigger to jam if you don't have the rev piece reinstalled. I will add that note as well. Thank you for the info.