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Fishing Lure/Bait - Maggot

A maggot model for fishing fun.
In the contest Fishing
updated July 14, 2024



I have created this printable maggot model for use as fishing bait or just for good old-fashioned pranks. 

Printable with filament or resin. A flexible material is probably best to use.

The printed model is about 22.5mm long by 8.9mm tall by 5.0mm wide. There are hollow and solid versions of the model included. Also models of both versions with and without various sized holes through the side are included.

I went through a good number of revisions but was never able to get the hook to thread on properly; no matter how flexible the maggot was, because the curve of the hook is just too extreme. Thus, I made additional models with holes in the side that let you stick the hook right through it. Then it occurred to me that I could bypass the curve of the hook by threading the lead line and straight hook head/body into the maggot first. That's not always doable out on the lake when the hook is already tied to the main line, but certainly doable if you prepare your hooks with these maggots in advance. 

For flexible filament-based prints on my MK4, I used CC3D's TPE filament with a Shore Hardness of 39D. I like this over TPU flexible filament which seems a bit stiffer in comparision. 

I used a standard 0.4 nozzle with 0.2 slice layer. I'm still working on getting the print settings dialed in to prevent stringing, but the attached “Flex Filament Specs” document is a good place to start for setting things up. 

For Resin prints, I mixed Siraya Tenacious Clear Flexible Resin with some White Elegoo ABS-Like Resin and just a splash of Yellow Elegoo ABS-Like Resin. The ratio of Clear to White was about 100:15 and it really was just a little bit of yellow (maybe half a cap-full). The color came out nice, but the flexibility was not great. I added about x1.5 more Clear flexible resin to my mix and it made things a bit better, but things became more transparent. 

This model tends to need support from the print bed, but not throughout the whole model. You'll want to keep the hollow chamber clear of support structure since a hook is intended to pass through it.  I was playing around with orientation a bit, vertical or 45 degrees seems to give the best results, but really any orientation can be used. 

My older models were all designed using SketchUp; nowadays I have been playing with Fusion 360 and I am really enjoying the results. This is my first attempt at more organic modeling using Fusion. I have included my Fusion file in case anyone wishes to modify and remix anything. It doesn't have all my design history (i.e. the making, squishing, scaling and joining of the quadballs), but it includes the final results. 



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
