- This is just a remix of a fragment, you still need other part from the original model - give them kudos as well!
- Added additional holes for air ventilation tinkercad.
- For low power devices (your load is under half of the SSR spec) this is probably not needed.
- Use this if you are reaching limits of the SSR but ensure to provide additional airflow - such as mount in properly in ventilated area.
- notice gcode contains moves for my custom timelapse video capture (print head moves to back and then to Z axis), so provided gcode file is just for rough estimation of the print time + required filament,
- Printed with PETG DevilDesign Transparent, on Prusa Mini+
- no photo because so far I printed different version (with longer holes) but this ended in broken parts/ribs, so this model has this fixed but I have not printed it yet.
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
Added additional holes for air ventilation in tinkercad.
For low power devices (under 0.5A) this is not really needed.
Use this if you are reaching limits of the SSR but ensure to provide additional airflow - such as mount in properly ventilated area.
Other printing parts are required.