Printed at 150% with Arms 🙂
@Macronot They both look great :)
@Grinario_2550911 Awesome - very snowy with the rough texture :)
OK, Mr. Snowman is complete. I believe this collar fits him well, for colrs. Also, the collar is a modified version of the original ridged collar; i put it into fusion 360, and sliced off the outer ridges ! First division of policeman has been deployed !
@APrinterInThe_171463 Great work!
work in progress !! nnh design created a policeman hat (I had requested this, as i wanted to use mr. snowman as a law enforcement model for some friends). 3d Printy, your snowman lends itself VERY WELL to many professions !! mr. snowman now has arms, gold. i just need to print collar/scarf. possibly black. it would be cool to have a collar with a bow tie (neck tie would obscure buttons).
@Katlin_2115734 Accessories for the Articulated Snowman Fidget by NNHDesign | Download free STL model | - nnhdesign created it, it is already online, with many other hats designed by nnhdesign. some fantastic creations !
@APrinterInThe_171463 thank you so much and thank you NNHDesign!
@schiffersoftde Excellent print and some really dramatic posing :)
9/10. Would recommend printing smooth not rough for bottom. Highly posable and detailed. 3DPRINTY!
Looks like your snowman had fun posing for the photos :)
I used a tri extrusion manual filament change on the hat and it looks amazing
I agree, that hat is awesome :)