A new hope ! The rebel force scrambles to administer the booster vaccine !
To be used in tandem with Covid Death Star
Would love it if this contribution could make it to X-mas trees in vaccination centers all over the world…
Remark: A sacrificial wall/contraption was added to keep the wings and cannons upright. I shrunk the original design to 25% and strongly suggest using a resin printer, if you have access to one, in order to keep the tips of the cannons intact.
Warning: This may enrage your antivaxx friends if used as a gift ! Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink
Disclaimer: Was toying with this idea already from the first wave, but never followed through as I never thought the epidemic would take this long. Not meant disrespectful, but in the same spirit as Larson from The Far Side.
The author remixed this model.