I designed this model to charge my personal (14 Pro Max) and work (12) phones, as well as my watch and AirPods.
Of course, this requires a phone that supports wireless charging (any currently supported iPhone, MagSafe support is recommended), and to charge AirPods you will likely need the newer revision of the case that has MagSafe support.
I found that the pads do work through the case I have on my work phone (a fairly slim bumper style case), if you have a thick case they may not work.
The model is designed to use these charging pads:
If using AirPods and a Watch, I recommend using this charger for the watch (mainly because it's cheap and has the same footprint as the official charger):
Use the official Watch charger for the AirPods, especially in a bedroom. I noticed the knockoff charger will turn off when the AirPods are fully charged, causing them to reconnect and play the charging tone. The Watch draws enough power even when charged to avoid this.
I printed mine in PETG with Organic supports under the watch charging pads, painted on. The channels in the base do not require supports.
All charging pads should fit firmly in place without modification or excessive bending of wires. I used a bit of gaffers tape on the underside to help keep the wires in place, though I don't think it's necessary.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.