Printed Great! I choose the tighter fit which was a little hard to assemble, but better to be safe than sorry! Absolutely love this design, friends and family loved it as well!

Printed Great! I choose the tighter fit which was a little hard to assemble, but better to be safe than sorry! Absolutely love this design, friends and family loved it as well!
You have to use pretty good print bed adhesion. Otherwise you will have warping or even loose complete adhesion. Not easy to print, but worth the time.
Great pic and print!
Printed a ton of these for Christmas. Folks loved them, especially once they found out they were glow in the dark.
Beautiful blue!!!
One of the First Print of my Creality k2 plus.
The Plugin its not verry easy. But fuction
That's a very nice make! Unfortunately that's not my model. It's by someone on maker world who was "inspired by a model they saw somewhere a long time ago".
Very nice!!