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Star Shaped Glass Outdoor Table Grommet for Umbrella

This is a grommet to protect your glass outdoor dining table from damage due to the umbrella.
updated June 18, 2024



Shortly after we received our new outdoor glass table, the poorly designed grommet that protects the table and umbrella from each other cracked and was not usable. This is a replacement that has stood the test of time. I just reprinted new ones to replace the ones that were outdoors for nearly 20 years. The design is nicer then the simple circle. 

Print at 0.2 in material of your choice. I have been using PLA, but PETG would also be good choice. Print with star toward the bed to prevent need for supports.

OpenSCAD file provided for your editing pleasure!

Enjoy and keep your table and umbrella safe from each other.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
